Monday, September 30, 2019

Requirements for Research Essay

Abstract This study entitled â€Å"Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Peelings Extract as an Alternative shoe Polish† aims to aims to determine if orange peeling oil extract be a good alternative for shoe polish specifically to answer the following questions (1) What specific properties of the shoe polish produced are present/ identified? (2) What are the physical properties of the orange peeling extract shoe polish as to texture, color, and odor? (3) Is there significant difference/s between the orange peeling extract and coconut oil shoe polish with that of the other commercially sold shoe polish in terms of: polish-ness, odor, and texture? The researcher then conducted a series of experiments to test the project. These processes are the extraction of oil from the orange peelings that would be then mixed with the coconut oil produced (cooked) from the coconut plant and the testing and comparing of the alternative shoe polish made with that of the commercially sold shoe polish. The test was conducted with the use of leather shoes as the test object. The results showed that the alternative shoe polish produced has almost the same qualities as to that of the commercially sold shoe polish in terms of its physical properties. The produced shoe polish made the shoes shine a little bit and produced a nice odor considering the natural scent of the orange oil which is added to the mixture. The researcher recommends  trying testing different ratios of each and seeing in what trial it produced the best shoe polish. Further reading about the project is also recommended to widen the scope of study and to produce an alternative shoe polish that would be of help in aiming for the alternative shoe polish with the nearest qualities with that of commercial shoe polish. Acknowledgement The researcher wish to extend her sincerest appreciation to the following people who helped make this research. They are the ones who helped and supported me in performing this research. First to our Project Adviser and Research Teacher, Ma’am Juliet Ilustre-Herreria for continuously guiding and helping me throughout the making of my investigatory project; asked some tricky questions and suggested some opinions that eventually helped a lot in making the project. Next, to my cousin, Sherwin Keith Saringan for helping me choose what project to make and giving some information that could be of great help. To my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Balcorta for me giving support and supplying the materials that would be needed for this project to be completed. To my classmates and friends for giving encouragement whenever I lose hope and most of all to the Lord, up above, for answering my prayers and continuously guiding me in doing this research. Without these people around me, my investigatory project entitled, Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peeling Extract as an Alternative Shoe Polish, won’t be finished.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Forgive my Guilt Essay

Who was the poet who wrote the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt†? Well the poet who wrote the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt† was the American poet Robert P. Tristram Coffin. Robert was born on March 18, 1892 at Brunswick, Maine. Robert won the Pulitzer Prize for his poem â€Å"Strange Holiness† in 1936. His poems were based on New England farm and his voyage life. His poems were committed to cheerful acts for the world. Sadly Robert died on January 20, 1955 at Portland, Maine. In the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt† the poet uses rhyme, imagery and simile to make us understand and visualize the poem better. The speaker in this poem is the author. The author is talking about his summer when he was younger. He uses simile in the quote â€Å"They cried out like two sorrowful high flutes† meaning that the two birds cried sound like an out of tune flute that sounds horrible. He uses imagery because it helps me picture that two birds have been injured, by telling us that he had a pellet gun and shot the poor birds. The poem starts by saying â€Å"Not always sure what things called sins may be, I am sure of one sin I have done It was years ago, and I was a boy. In this sentence the author is admitting that he have done a sin when he was younger. A sin is when you have done the wrong action, a regrettable action. It continues to say â€Å"I lay in the frostflowers with a gun† he is started to say that he was lying on the ground filled with frostflowers. Then it says â€Å"The air ran blue as the flowers, I held my breath† when he said the air ran blue he reflects the sky. Then it says â€Å"Two birds on golden legs slim as dream things† he is making us visualize by telling us that the sun was reflecting the birds legs. Then it says â€Å"Ran like quicksilver on the golden sand† when he said this he meant that he was running on the beach. Then it says â€Å"My gun went off, they ran with broken wings† he said that he fired his gun and shot a bird and that bird was trying to fly with a broken wing. Then it continues to says â€Å"Into the sea, I ran to fetch them in, But they swam with their heads high out to sea,† he said that he knew that he shot a bird so he ran towards to see if the birds were fine but the birds swam away toward the sea. Then it continues to say â€Å"They cried like two sorrowful high flutes, with jagged ivory bones where wings should be† when he said that â€Å"they cried like sorrowful high flute† he meant that their cries sounded like an out of tune flute, which sounds horrible and then when it says â€Å"with jagged ivory bones where wings should be† he is telling us since he shot the birds, he left the birds wounds. Then it continues to say â€Å"For days I heard them when I walked that headland Crying out to their kind in the blue† he tells us that he went back to see the birds and saw that the birds were telling something to their herd. Headland is when your near a fence or border. Then it says â€Å"The other plovers were going over south on silver wings leaving these broken two† he said that the plovers sadly left the two birds and headed south without them. Then it says â€Å"The cries went out one day but I still hear them Over all the sound of sorrow in war or peace I ever heard, time cannot drown them. † He said that the cries of the birds followed him everywhere he goes not matter what he was doing he still heard their cries. Then it ends by saying â€Å"Those slender flutes of sorrow never cease. Two airy things forever denied the air! I never knew how their lives at last were split, But I have hoped for years all that is wild, Airy, and beautiful will forgive my guilt. † The author is telling us that the cries never stopped, he has heard their cries for many years, he is saying that he is sorry for the sin he has done and finally apologize for the guilt he has committed when he was younger. The poem is telling us to think before we commit something because you never know that the actions you decide might haunt you forever. It also says to always think twice because when you decide to do something and do it, you might regret it because you can’t go back in time and change your actions. This poem brings a good message to me. It helped me realize that I have to always think twice because I might regret doing something and if I don’t think twice the action I committed my haunt my life forever. Knowing this I will always think twice before I do something. When you read this analysis hopefully this poem brought you a lesson, a lesson in which tells you to always think twice before you commit something you’ll regret throughout your life!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Essay Bipolar Disorder Essay: Finding the Light in the Dark Affecting nearly one percent of the population of the United States, bipolar disorder has quickly become one of the leading forms of mental illness (Spearing). While advancements in medical science and technology have allowed researchers and physicians to understand its elements more clearly, the effects of bipolar disorder are tragic and often deadly. Often the negative results occur due to a lack of proper diagnosis: some seventy-five percent of bipolar cases go untreated (Spearing). Through proper education and public awareness, this serious disease can be properly diagnosed, treated and possibly cured. Bipolar disorder, as defined by the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, is a mood disorder that causes a person to suffer extreme emotional changes and shifts in mood. Previously known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder causes alternate periods of mania and depression. To fully understand the effects of this disease, it is important to comprehend the meanings of mania and depression. Merriam-Websters Dictionary defines mania as excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood. Depression, on the other hand, is defined as a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death. (Merriam-Webster). The combination of the two results in emotional chaos. Of all psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder is the most common, affecting between one and two million Americans (Spearing). While it affects males and females equally, there are a few distinctions that can be made about those who do have it. Amongst men, early onset bipolar disorder is more frequent while there is higher rate of rapid cycling, mixed states, and cyclothymia in women (Wurztel 28-31). Also, according to one survey, an estimated 59% of bipolar patients experienced their first symptoms when they were children or adolescents (Harakas G2). Studies show that bipolar disorder occurs in 1% of all age groups (Bipolar Survivor). Evanston Northwestern Hospital claims, There is some indication that the incidence of bipolar disorder may be increasing. While it is important to understand that bipolar disorder is a disease separate from the numerous other types of mental illnesses, it is also necessary to differentiate between the four different types of the disorder. The first type, Bipolar I, is the most often discussed. People who suffer from this type of bipolar disorder experience extreme periods of mania coupled with depression (Bailey). During the extreme times of mania, Bipolar I patients engage in activities that are exceptionally dangerous and eccentric yet they believe that their actions are normal. Such activities may include spending outrageous amounts of money, investing in business schemes without any research or knowledge of the investment, driving recklessly, and engaging in sexual promiscuity (Bipolar Survivor). Also, during advanced mania, all touch with reality is completely lost resulting in delusions and hallucinations (Bailey). With this type of bipolar disorder, there seems to be an abundant amount of energy with almost a complete lack of sleep (Bailey). The second, and most common, type of bipolar disorder is known as Bipolar II. With this type, people experience recurrent bouts of depression without the psychotic episodes of mania. Unlike Bipolar I patients, they suffer from brief spells of hypomania during which they feel euphoric and have a great amount of self-confidence and energy (Bailey). While it may appear that hypomania is similar to general happiness, Dr. Hagop S. Akiskal, a senior advisor at the National Institute of Mental Health, states that hypomania is a recurrent condition; happiness is not (qtd. in Fireman 1470). Generally, this type of bipolar disorder is the mildest form of the disease and is the easiest to treat. Medicated mania, or Bipolar III, is the third type of bipolar disorder. The main difference between this type and the others is that it is the direct result of drug treatment or electroconvulsive therapy for depression (Bailey). Most times this occurs because the patient is misdiagnosed with clinical depression. The final classification of bipolar disorder is known as cyclothemia, or rapid cycling. This type is characterized by intense changes in mood occurring more frequently than what is typically .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Role Of The Medical Websites In The Awareness Of The Public Essay - 1

Role Of The Medical Websites In The Awareness Of The Public - Essay Example This website has considered all those factors and thus provides the email address, telephone number and even a live chat handle, where a member of the general public can directly chat with Ayuda en Vivo, who is available on weekdays at 8:30 am to 5:00 in the evening. In addition to this, there is a hotline that is toll-free and a fax number, catering for both English and Spanish speakers. This website is crucial to the general public, as far as their health is concerned. It is special since it provides information on a unique type of illness, a mental illness. Facilities providing treatment of these disorders are few; thus, there is dire need to provide enough information about their existence. This website has accurately done this by providing a mental health treatment locator, in addition to clear details of their offices and areas of specialization. The authors, who are officials in the U.S department of health and human sciences, exhaustively provide all the necessary data needed by the consumers, who are the general public. It, therefore, suffices to admit that the authors of this website are qualified to write it. The National Institute of Mental Health is the institution responsible for publishing this website, and the U.S government maintains it. The website is protected by various provisions of the U.S code. Any person in violation of this code is subject to criminal prosecution in a criminal court. To counter unauthorized attempts to add damage or change any information on the website, software programs are employed.Information from these soft wares is used in tracking down violators of the site for prosecution. The publications of NIMH are however available in the public domain. They may, therefore, be reproduced or copied without permission.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hedge Funds Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hedge Funds - Coursework Example Trend forecast signal is used and will generate up and down signals when buying or selling pressure builds up in a stock, currency, index or future. The forecasts are only a signal to watch for further strength above or below signal bars. The forecasts can mean buying or selling pressure has built up so much a new high or low price will happen soon forming a continuation of the trend OR the price is overdone, and a close of a bar moving in the opposite direction to the last forecast bar could signal a trend failure or reversal point. A hedge fund that can take both long and short positions, buy and sell undervalued securities, trade options or bonds and invest in almost any opportunity in any market where it foresees impressive rates at reduced risks (Friedland, 2011). These features results to hedge fund being able to offer exposure to risk factors those traditional long-only strategies cannot (Agarwal and Narayan, 2002). Exposure to systemic factors, example, small-cap, value companies and emerging markets normally entails higher returns but also higher risks. Norges Bank Investment Management (2011) further emphasizes the importance of continuously measuring the fund’s exposure to such factors and the importance to gain a static and dynamic overview to manage systematic exposure to one or more risk factors. This ability of hedge fund to take both long and short positions, makes it difficult to evaluate its performance, example, in the case where the manager can invest in any asset class, trade in deriv atives and follow a myriad of dynamic trading strategies (Agarwal and Narayan, 2000). Despite this, investors who have moved into active investment from passive strategies start their own hedge fund and its interest is gathering pace (Amenc, Susan and Lionel, 2004). For instance if there has been 2 up forecast bars in a row but the price is failing to break onto a new high, then also watch for a reversal in the price to break below the

Is the U.S. seeking to contain China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is the U.S. seeking to contain China - Essay Example China is believed to be aggressive and power hungry. Over the years it has built-up its military force and deployed them massively in the region. Such moves are seen as a threat to the security and stability of the region and a deliberate attempt by china to assert its power over its neighbours. This action prompted the U.S to construct an off shore alliance with other military forces in the eastern and southern borders of China such as Japan and South Korea. The U.S also formed the SEATO and ANZUS treaties which linked up countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand as its allies in the period between 1949 and 1969. It maintained military bases in these regions and also went to the extent of encouraging them to refrain from entering into diplomatic ties with china. However, over the years the Chinese have managed to create a coalition with some of its neighbours who are dedicated to containing Chinese power. Notably these coalition partners include South Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines all of whom previously were U.S allies. This in some circles can be viewed as a deliberate move by the Chinese government to move into the territory previously occupied by the Americans. Such moves are further fuelling tensions of the intentions of such a quest for power and dominance by China. Furthermore, the Chinese constant threats to Japan over the island dispute amid the already heightened tensions created by its military forces are not helping the situation. These islands called Diaoyo by the Chinese and Senkaku by the Japanese has ushered in a new rise to probable aggressions and security instability especially considering Chinas firm stand on the subject. These threats to Japan further escalated when the Chines targeted a Japanese ship with its weapon s radar, a situation that did not go unmentioned when Japans prime minister issued a stern response terming that move as dangerous. An article that appeared in Chinas Daily, by Wang Xiaoxuan, confirmed that the territorial disputes were dangerous and needed prompt action from both parties. China has also been highly vocal criticizing the U.S. and its activities in the region. In 2009,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Essay 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

3 - Essay Example â€Å"Liberalism also holds that international politics can be a non-zero-sum game, that it is possible to have win-win situations in which gains of one or more countries do not have to come at the expense of others† (Rourke & Boyer 20). For example, the establishment of the United Nations was meant for all countries to cooperate for mutual gain with each other. Liberalism believes humans have a mutual bond that they can draw on to identify with and forge ties with people around the world. Realism sees that international politics is moved by an ever competitive agenda of self-interest among nations. Realists believe that the decisive dynamic among countries is a struggle for power in an effort by each to preserve or, preferably, improve its military security and economic welfare in competition with other countries (Rourke & Boyer 16). Realism views human beings as naturally divided by a form of national allegiance to their nation or to another focus of national identity such as cultural heritage or religious beliefs. A good example is Chancellor Otto von Bismarcks’s unification of Germany during the 19th century. Bismarck unified the once shattered German nations not for the sake of the spirit of unity, but to form a single and powerful imperial nation as a great power in Western

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Powering service workers at Harvester Restaurants. Personnel Review Assignment

Powering service workers at Harvester Restaurants. Personnel Review - Assignment Example TASK C – Strategic Fit Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 4a) Segmentation  Strategy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 4b) Marketing strategy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 4c) Advertising strategy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦13 4d) Branding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...14 4e) Selling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦14 4f) Manufacturing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..14 4g) Human resource strategy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 References NIKE 1. Introduction: Nike Inc was founded in 1962 by two partners Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The name was originally Blue Ribbon Sports. The goal then was to start a business that broke the domination of German sportswear in the domestic American retail. Market regions have expanded to more than 100 countries in regions like United States, Europe, Asia pacific and the Caribbean. Distribution channels have expanded into both traditional and non tradit ional ones with social media marketing also increasing. It is the world’s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and also a manufacturer of sports equipments. For 2009 the revenue was about $19.2 billion and employees amounted to 30,000. The company’s name was changed to Nike Inc in 1978; it is derived from the Greek goddess of victory’s name. the other brands Nike has are: Nike Golf, Nike Pro,  Nike+,  Air Jordan,  Nike Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Cole,  Hurley International,  Umbro  and  Converse. Nike’s sport ambassadors are huge personalities, from Michael Jordan to Roger Federer that further promote their products. The ‘swoosh’ logo and the slogan ‘Just do it’ has become recognizable everywhere due to the company’s worldwide presence and quality goods. Products: Primary product is athletic footwear and athletic apparel. Newer product offerings include Performance equipments like bal ls, timepieces, eyewear, bats and other equipments designed for sporting activities. Product categories are: Running Basketball Cross-Training Outdoor Activities Tennis Golf Soccer Baseball Football Bicycling Volleyball Wrestling Cheerleading Aquatic Activities Auto Racing Other athletic and recreational uses Phil Knight was responsible for entering into their fist ever agreement with a Japanese manufacturing company named Onitsuka Tiger company. They were to be the sole supplier of BRS in the United States of high quality athletic shoes. The first worldwide successful shoe design was Cortez designed by both Bowerman and Tiger and it was sold at the first BRS store. In 1972 however Tiger left the company and the company changed its name to Nike inc. in the late 70s, famous sportspeople started wearing the shoes and the company was made famous. In 1980 Nike went public on the New York stock exchange. 2. TASK A – Market Environment Analysis   ANALYSIS: 2a) Environmental Analy sis Internal – Strength Nike’s own management style, its history, its product range all are strengths that the company utilizes. They have

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Working with and leading people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Working with and leading people - Essay Example His recruits learnt to support each other during difficult times; it was a lesson on showing concern for one’s teammate. This is a depiction of the principle stage of Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory which discusses the formulation of the team. This is a stage where each individual is trying to find his/her role in the team, they are sizing each other up and there are cases of doubt to one’s purpose (Tuckman Bruce, 1965) Oliver tasked the recruits with challenging assignments like working night shifts at the bakery. Knowing the difficulty level of his challenge, he appeared for some of the shifts and he worked alongside his recruits. At the end of the training they were expected to work together as a team in a commercial kitchen, they therefore had to develop a sense of devotion towards each other. To foster this devotion, Oliver took his recruits for camping activities and later on he tested them by taking them through a simulation test. They were tasked with the duty of preparing meals for fifty clients. The purpose of the simulation was to see how they worked under pressure. This was in line with Tuckman’s second stage theory which is the Storming. At this level they have started seeing themselves as a team however, this stage is characterized by confrontations and various levels of conflict. This is expected due to the pressure put on them by Oliver. As per the expectations, some of them crumbled when the scene got chaotic. This was however, part of the team building process. At the end of the training, the recruits were assured of a job working for Oliver. They therefore had an end in mind. This sense of purpose according to Dr. Belbin, M. 2014 is the motivator for teamwork. Oliver demonstrated participative leadership when he engaged with his recruits in their daily tasks, when he helped them solve problems that occurred at the ground level. His hands on approach was in line with the Participative Leadership Theory which

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Education Among the Pakistani Women Essay Example for Free

Education Among the Pakistani Women Essay Introduction Education is perhaps the main source of human intellectual development and a critical factor pertaining to standard of living. Education here refers to all instructions received by a child, whether at home, playground, or school. Continuous increase in population and declining assets in public education give birth to a serious dilemma for developing countries. Like most of rest of the developing world, Pakistan is known to be a male dominated country and ranks as the seventh most populous of the world. The sex ratio is 105.7 men to every 100 women, with an overall literacy rate of only 45%; 56.5 percent for males and 32.6 percent for females in 1998 (Jehan, 2000). For centuries women have been battling for equality, yet the society continues to shape the stereotypical view of women and is responsible for the lower status of women. This paper aims to explore the factors obstructing Pakistani women, specifically in rural areas where they cannot acquire education. The consequences they face due to lack of academic opportunities are also discussed alongside an elaborate analysis pertaining to various sociological concepts introduced in the course. This is an ongoing cultural and political issue, which reflects the corrupt government and extreme subjective interpretations of the religious doctrines. The status of Pakistani women reflects the complex interplay of many factors such as social, cultural, and religious views. In addition, the gender biases, geographical regions, and social classes pose several difficulties for Pakistani women. Lack of education quite obviously hinders their practicality in the workforce along with increased unawareness about health and failure to access legal rights for mistreatment from the male dominating society. The social and cultural perspective of Pakistani society is primarily patriarchal. At a very early stage men and women are divided into two separate worlds, this becomes a way of life. For women home is defined as being the lawfully ideological space whereas, the men dominate the world outside the home. This false ideological discrimination between inside and outside worlds is supported by the notion of honor and the tradition of purdah (veil, the seclusion of women from the sight of men or strangers) in Pakistan (Country Briefing Paper, 2000). The male honor is associated with the women’s sexual behaviour, the family’s honor hold great emphasis on women’s sexuality. Although the women are not prohibited from working, at the same time they are supposed to firmly follow the rules of morality. They may feel a role strain, to be a â€Å"good† daughter or wife or to have the right to do a job they wish to do. Status is defined by your social location, and women in general face everyday prejudice because of their gender. Pakistan, being a developing country, has a lower overall status in the world. Pakistani women have many statuses; one being a â€Å"Pakistani†, this however is an achieved or ascribed social position. Meaning it can be attained either by taking birth in the country, or by applying to become a citizen. Being Pakistani is not her only social position, when she’s born; she’s a daughter (ascribed status), when she gets married; she’s a wife (achieved status), and then when she has children she’s a mother (achieved status). The status in terms of just occupying a position; the 3 different statues that the Pakistani women achieve are daughter, wife, and mother. She is not known for anything other than that. Rarely are they known for ‘working women’, or any kind of job positions. The culture looks at them as nothing more, nor are they supposed to have any other status. Status in terms of prestige or honour; for centuries women have been fighting for equality, equal rights, honour, and respect; despite all of that, it is still an ongoing struggle. Pakistani women have an ascribed lower status, this means that women don’t earn or work towards being a lower status; they are given it by birth. Most Pakistani families yearn for a son, so he could handle the family business, but on receiving a daughter, they are ashamed. Hence this starts her being worthless in the eyes of her parents. As she grows older, the neighbours start to look at her that way, and so forth. Eventually the society looks at her that way and therefore, it becomes a norm, or part of an ideology. A Pakistani women’s life particularly in rural areas is a journey of subordination. As a woman is growing up she must listen to her father who decides whether she obtains education and who she would marry. After marriage her husband and in-laws are the decision makers on her behalf, who mainly decide how many children she would have and whether she is allowed to work outside the household. In a woman’s senior years her sons decide the fate for the rest of her remaining life. This is the norm in Pakistan; the behavioral expectations of women are to listen to the males that dominate their lives. Furthermore the entire society acts as an oppressor imposing stereotypical roles upon them. As such, daughter, wife, mother: in all three of these roles, the woman is expected to be sexually ‘pure’, that is, not to commit any acts of adultery. In all three, she must protect her family’s honor by learning conventional general labor skills, exquisite manners, and modest dressing. Women are part of a loop: this loop starts from being a daughter, being a wife, and finally a mother; it ends in the mother giving birth to another daughter who must now follow her mother’s footsteps and live a life reminiscent to that of her mother. This social structure reflects the roles of women in a shocking new light, a light that barely, if not at all, reaches the west. The daughter’s role: starts when she is born into the family. Her role in her family is to clean the house, take care of the chorus alongside her mother, serve food, and if she’s lucky, go to school in a very unhygienic, little populated school. She is to get married at a very early age and this often results in her not finishing her education. Her father decides whom she should marry; this is a process with both cultural and religious significance. According to Islam, it is already written to whom you will marry. By the father being the person who decides, that gives him the â€Å"higher authority† or â€Å"higher status† as the daughter must be handed over by a wali (the present caretaker, either her oldest brother or father). The role of the wife: in most sense the role of the wife is very similar to that of the daughter; she is supposed to keep the honour of the husband by keeping quiet, following his lead, and implicitly being a slave. The role of mother: this is when the daughter learns to take all the cultural guidelines and the norms and apply it on her children. Thus the cycle starts all over again. In order for this cycle to break the women need to view their roles in perceptive of the bigger picture. They need to realize that they have voices and that they can change their faith. Though this does not mean going against their religion, but to fight for their rights in a politically corrupted governing system. Acquiring academic and career planning resources is definitely a constructive and logical start to absolving them from this loop. Conversely, the political and cultural infrastructure most definitely tries to thwart these efforts. The implications of these cultural requirements and lack of education for women’s economic activities are catastrophic. The female labour force participation is known to be the second lowest for Pakistan in the world (Jehan, 2000). Their high contribution in agriculture and the informal sector of work tends to go unrecorded by the statistics. However, in the poorest regions, some opportunities occur for women to work outside areas for domestic services such as sweepers, construction workers, and hired labourers. Women are also restricted to several industries such as textiles, food and beverages and pharmaceuticals. This norm guides the social behavior of Pakistani women, where they cannot acquire high paid jobs and limits women to jobs that are lowest paid and require less mobility. These gender-defined roles vary from the geographical region in which they reside, where some areas are stricter. The main concern is the lack of education among the rural areas limiting their working capabilities. The total number of females with less than primary education is 18% (Ibraz, 1993). The situation is better in urban areas where women have overcome some of the traditional restrictions due to educational facilities. Another factor that restricts Pakistani females from acquiring higher level of education is the traditional rule of marrying them at an early age. The average age of marriage is stated at 17 years for females (Ibraz, 1993). After marriage the beliefs of the husband interfere; resulting in his social behavior of making his wife take care of the household and his family rather than continuing with further education or working outside the household. Cultural ideas such as protecting the family’s honor result in women barely communicating with men outside th eir family. If any communication is necessary, they adjust their religious headgear to make sure that proper protocol is followed and communicate only with minimal eye contact and enthusiasm. Another cultural idea such as honor killings also encourages males to warn females of the consequences of not following the norms and of course, encourage them even more to carry out an execution if the woman is in fact found guilty. Also, in rural areas, a common cultural idea is that education encourages women to rebel against their respective families. This furthermore advocates the practice of not wasting money sending girls to school. Social identity: women who are brave and resourceful enough to leave their families are marked as ‘heathen’ or ‘witchy’. Other females in the neighbourhood are forbidden to socialize with them. Therefore, a common tool to dominate women who do rebel is to take away all social identity from them or in worse cases, demeaning their social identity through media propagandas and common word of mouth. This is a very potent technique; it makes other women (who are in sync with ‘norms’ ) disrespect and look down on those that actually stood up to the discriminating societal structure. The male dominating ideology, therefore, persists. The health indicators of Pakistani women are among the worst in the world. Pakistan is known to be one of the few countries where the life expectancy of males exceeds the females. One in every 38 women die due to pregnancy related complications (Annual Report, 2009). The health of the Pakistani women was never considered a priority because woman as a gender are not culturally, traditionally, or religiously given equal status in the society. The health system relies on this gender inequality and is hesitant to adopt policies to help improve women’s health. Lack of awareness among the female population allows them to accept the mistreatment from the system. They are more likely to approach different methods of treatments themselves. More than 80% women are delivered at home in the presence of unskilled birth attendants (Annual Report, 2009). Social and domestic control over women’s sexuality, their economic dependence on men, and restrictions on their mobility establish the health services provided to males and females. Furthermore, honour killings, rape, and illegal trafficking of women are prevalent across much of the country. Women in Pakistan are seen as a representative of the men’s honour to whom they belong; they are responsible for guarding their virginity and chastity. If a woman is superficially having an illicit sexual relationship, she degrades the family honor and looses the right to life (Amnesty International, 1999). In response the man publicly reveals his power to safeguard his honour by killing the women that have damaged it, these acts are done openly. Brutal punishments are reported for bringing food late, for answering back, and even for undertaking forbidden family visits. Extreme measures such as honour killings take place for several matters. Conveying the desire to choose a spouse and marrying a partner of their own choice is an act of disobedience since most marriages are supposed to be arranged by fathers. Divorce is seen as a public rebelliousness and women must be punished for restoring male honour. Rape among the Pakistani women is seen as a highly shameful event and thus rape victims are also executed. The Government of Pakistan has failed to take any measures against the honour killings (Amnesty International, 1999). The political institution is flawed; the law and government that are supposed to protect their people from harm’s way; institutionalized corruption. To give women a lower status and view them as unequal is prejudice. It is institutionalized for a Pakistani woman to follow the authority of the man, since he is superior to. It is a practice to look down upon women in Pakistan as it became a norm. An example of such injustice is a story of rape victim named Shazia Khalid. She was a medical doctor, who got married and was offered a job by a government run facility. Her husband worked outside the country, she was staying at the facility that was secured by the members of the military. She was repeatedly raped overnight and then silenced by the military as they would not allow the police to investigate. To avoid embarrassment of the military, General Musharraf, the president of Pakistan, declared the rapist innocent. They further attacked Shazia by suggesting she was a prostitute. At this point Shazia attempted suicide but thankfully was saved by her child’s request. Her story increased media’s attention and further humiliated the president of the country, her family was asked to leave the country by the order of the government. They decided to immigrate to Canada but because immediate actions were required they were told to reside in England where they will be further assisted by the government to move to Canada. When landing at England they were abandoned by the government and are living on welfare waiting from their admission to Canada (McKenna, 2006). Egocentrism plays a big role in the hearts of Pakistani men. Their pride and honor has a prestige status; meaning its worth more whereas a woman’s life is worthless. They created this norm shared by the society. In deciding not to follow the norm results in negative sanctions. Due to the institutionalized corruption many Pakistani women have taken a toll to fight for their rights. Diverse groups including the Womens Action Forum, the Pakistan Women Lawyers Association, the All-Pakistan Womens Association and the Business and Professional Womens Association, are supporting projects throughout the country that focus on empowering women. They have been involved in such activities as instituting legal aid for indigent women, opposing the gendered segregation of universities, and publicizing and condemning the growing incidents of violence against women. ( Group, strict)The progressive women’s association (PWA) and the all Pakistan women’s association (APWA) is comprised of educated individuals; an example of their political struggle is the attempt to change the hadood ordinances law in Pakistan regarding rape. They are quite effective as they are setting the milestone for women standing up for their rights in the country. Conclusion In light of arguments presented in the paper, the low status of Pakistani women can be attributed to lack of education and cultural values. The consequences are very negative: inequality in the workforce, poor health, and marriage at young age with high fertility and childbearing mortality. Pakistani women lagging behind in education are not aware of their legal rights and are forced to focus on obligations of family life. Although this paper is geared mainly towards the women in rural areas of Pakistan, the cultural and traditional aspect of life imposed on women still persists in middle and higher classes, merely less strict. Hence, there is definitely a big gap between the loose group of women and the strict group of women. Consequently, a solution to the issue can also be portrayed as bridging the gap between these two respective groups. Assistance from the global community will be required to educate different populations to invoke change. Resources APA style Annual Report. (2009). Health of women in Pakistan. Society of Obstetricians Gynaecologists of Pakistan. Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC). Amnesty International. (1999). Pakistan, Honour Killings of Girls and Women. Country Briefing Paper, Women in Pakistan. (2000). Situation Analysis of Women in Pakistan: An overview Ibraz, Tassawar S. Fatima, Anjum. (1993). Uneducated and Unhealthy: The Plight of Women in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review. 32:4 Part II, pp. 905-915 Jehan, Qamar. (2000). Role of Women in Economic Development of Pakistan. University Of Balochistn. McKenna, Terence. (Feb-Mar 2006). In Dept Pakistan: Pakistan, Land, Gold, Women. CBC news. Retrieved from: Munir, Shafqat. (2001). Institutionalized Exploitation of Women as Negative Impact of Globalization. Journalists for Democracy and Human Rights† (JDHR) Pakistan.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparison of Oral Drug Administration Strategies

Comparison of Oral Drug Administration Strategies Abstract In this literature assignment the oral route of administration will be discussed and further studied. Particular formulations such as tablets (including chewable as well as buccal tablets), capsules, oral solutions, suspensions and emulsions which can be applied by using this selected route will be compared and any differences or/and similarities between those will be identified. Oral formulations are usually the most convenient for both children and adults and therefore should be the first choice for example pain management etc or generally when required. Speed of absorption (in the oral route it may be slow depending on the preparation and the stomach contents) and duration of effect (slower release compared to other routes for a prolonged effect) are also some of the factors under investigation in this study. According to the advantages and disadvantages of these different formulations it would be useful to identify which is the most preferable formulation by patients followed by specific examples/drugs which are administered orally. Introduction Different drugs require different routes of administration and therefore different dosage forms are produced in order the appropriate absorption to be achieved through the suitable form of the drug. Each substance is absorbed in a different way by the human body. Hence different administration routes are provided and recommended for each substance under which the dose of the drug will be absorbed, delivered and distributed more effectively. The two major classes where through the drug can enter the human body are enteral and parenteral routes. In the enteral route the drug passes directly into the Gastrointestinal tract. Enteral route includes sublingual (under the tongue), oral (swallowing) as well as absorption of the drug through the rectum. On the other hand parenteral routes involve intravascular (the drug is administered into the blood stream), intramuscular (skeletal muscle), subcutaneous (into subcutaneous tissues) and inhalation routes of administration (where the drug is absorbed through the lungs). Parenteral routes, Routes of Drug Administration, RL Copeland, PH.D., Department of Pharmacology Topical preparations include those that result to either mucosal membranes (such as eye drops, nasal) or skin (dermal and transdermal for local and systemic action respectively). The physical characteristics of the drug, its rate of absorption or/and release as well as the possibility of the need of high concentrations at particular sites are some basic key factors that determine the route of administration for each drug. It should be also mentioned that more than one route of administration can be advisable for the substance/drug depending on the patients condition. According to researches it has been proved that the oral route is the most popular route of administration between those that were referred above. This is due to its simplicity, convenience and safety provided. However, there are some disadvantages of the oral route of drug administration involving the long time the drug needs in order to show an effect as well as the interaction of drug substances with enzymes and/or secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric emptying time as well as the alteration of pH levels into the gastrointestinal tract are factors to investigate in order to achieve maximum absorption of the drug through the oral route. Discussion Tablets Nowadays, one of the most common dosage forms produced by pharmaceutical industries and preferred by the majority of patients is undoubtedly tablets. The category of compressed tablets is the most popular dosage form in use. Tablets are used for either systemic drug delivery or for local drug action as well. They are more preferable than any other dosage form as they are taken orally by patients, which is a convenient and safe way of drug administration and are more stable compared to liquids (physical and chemical stability). Different types of tablets (regarding their shape, size and drug dose) require a different formulation in order to be produced as each category has different properties and alterations may be needed in the choice of excipients each time and in methods used. That means that every tablet is a different situation and as a result different steps should be followed. Tablets have enough advantages in comparison to other dosage forms. First of all they are easier to handle and the preparation procedure offers an accurate dosing of the drug. The possibility of mass production makes production of tablets cheaper and their chemical and physical stability is obviously better compared to liquid dosage forms. Tablets are also compliant with the majority of patients. Disadvantages of tablets are noticed when they are dispensed especially in the elderly and paediatrics where swallowing difficulties are observed. They also belong to the category of slow-acting dosage forms (first-pass effect). Finally their poor bioavailability in combination with the decrease in PH over the time complete the most important disadvantages and create points for improvement. The compressed tablet is the most popular, versatile but most technically difficult dosage form as well. According to European Pharmacopoeia (3rd edition, 1997) tablets are solid preparations each containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients and obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particles. Million tablets are dispensed on a daily basis in the pharmacies all over the UK. Hence pharmacists should be completely aware of how they are made and the steps that follow during the production stage before they reach in the dispensary area of pharmacies. First of all, tablets are called pills by the majority of people. However this name is technically incorrect as tablets are made by compression whereas pills are an ancient solid dose forms prepared by hand into spherical particles about 4 to 6mm in diameter. As it was said above, tablets are made by a process of compression and that is their basic difference compared to pills. There are two main types of press in tablet production: the single -punch press (or eccentric press) and the rotary press (or multistation press). There is one more type, called hydraulic press (used more in research and development work) which requires a more specialized equipment. The first very important factor for investigation in tablet formulation is compressibility. Because the majority of drugs do not have very good compression properties on their own usually require the addition of excipients. Low dose tablets (dose less than 50mg) are used to be prepared by direct compression whereas high dose ones (dose more than 50mg) by using wet granulation technique. Compression properties could be understood better by studying the behaviour of elastic, plastic or fragmenting tablets under compression. Good flow (or alternatively flowability) is the next attribute for investigation. In order to succeed that, tablets require the addition of different excipients (and not only the active drug) such as lubricants, glidants, binders, disintegrants, antiadherents etc. Depending on the drug and the dose of the tablet each time (preparation of low or high dose tablets), different excipients are used. Excipients however, can affect powders properties; hence pharmaceutical industries need to study very well them and their properties in order to avoid any possible errors during the tableting process. 325mg aspirin tablets, by Ragesoss, E. Johnson, 2010 Tablets can be controlled by weight. The whole tablets weight combines the weight of the active drug (drug dose) and the weight of the excipients added after it. Tableting process relies on consistent volumetric filling of the die space set by the bottom punch. Uniformity of tablets can be tested in two ways; weight variation or content uniformity test. Weight variation test occurs for high dose tablets (dose > 50mg) that are uncoated and contain at least 50 % of the active ingredient (drug). On the other hand, content uniformity test is used for coated tablets which contain again the same percentage (at least 50%) of the single active ingredient. In tablet manufacturing, tablets are prepared by powder compression. By that way particles are placed very close to each other and finally a defined size and shape is given. During compression procedure a die and two punches (upper and lower) are used. First of all die is a tool that is used by pharmaceutical industries for cutting or shaping materials by using press. On the other hand, punch is used to describe a hard metal rod which has two different ends; a shaped tip and a blunt butt. The compressive force is applied by the upper punch while the lower one moves at the same time up and down within the tip. The image below describes the whole process from the time that the powder is moved to the die till the tablet is formed. The sequent of events involved in the formation of tablets. Pharmaceutics The science of dosage form design, edited by M.E, Aulton Second edition Coming back to flowability, good flow depends on both active ingredients and the excipients added in the powder mix. The good flow of a powder mix can be ensured by measuring the angle of repose or consolidation index. If flow properties are not very good, then lubricants and glidants are the most appropriate excipients for the improvement of the flow. It should also be noted that only glidants are able to improve a powders flow. Lubricants just decrease the extinction of friction and by that way the flow becomes better. More especially, by the addition of a lubricant the coefficient of friction between the die wall and the tablet during ejection is reduced and by that way the powder has a better flowability. Magnesium stearate is the most commonly used lubricant especially for tablets and functions as an antiadherent. That means that by its addition, it prevents ingredients from picking and sticking to manufacturing equipment during the compression of chemical powders into solid tablets. It is also hydrophobic and reduces the compressibility of many formulations. On the other hand, glidants are added mainly to the dry powders to improve flowability. In general the addition of a glidant or lubricant or both of them can affect the excipients/powders flowability and bulk density. These additions can have great results and turn powders with a very poor flow to powders with a good flow. Apart from lubricants and glidants, formulation of tablets requires the use of other excipients as well. The filler for example which acts as a bulking agent, is used in order to increase the bulk volume of the powder and hence the size of the tablet when the dose of the active ingredient is too low (low dose of a potent drug requires the incorporation of a substance). An ideal filler has to be chemically inert, biocompatible, non-hygroscopic, soluble, compactible, quite tasty and not of very high cost. The filler used most widely is lactose as its properties look enough like the ideal fillers one. The addition of a disintegrant also ensures that the tablet when will be in contact with liquid will break up into small fragments. This promotes quick drug dissolution. During disintegration, the liquid comes in contact with the solid and penetrates the pores of the tablet. Afterwards the tablet breaks slowly into smaller fragments. Two categories of disintegrants exist: those that facilitate water uptake (e.g. surfactants) and that rapture the tablet (e.g. starch). Sticking or picking properties of tablets depend on the addition of antiadherents. Antiadherents reduce adhesion between the powder and the punch faces. Lots of lubricants can be used as antiadherents. Talc or starch have also similar properties. Magnesium stearate which is the most commonly used lubricant (especially for tablets) functions as an antiadherent as well. That means that by its addition, it prevents ingredients from picking and sticking to manufacturing equipment during the compression of chemical powders into solid tablets. It is also hydrophobic and reduces the compressibility of many formulations. Pharmaceutical industries can involve flavouring agents and colourants during tableting procedure too. First of all, a flavouring agent by its addition either gives a more pleasant taste in the tablet or mask an unpleasant one. Flavouring agents cannot be added prior to an operation involving heat as they are usually thermolabile. Usual flavouring agents are essential oils such as anise and cardamom, vanilla or peppermint. Colourant is the last excipient could be added during wet massing method in order to produce high dose tablets. General knowledge of colourants involve tablets identification and patients compliance. Even if colouring procedure finishes during coating stage, the colourant chosen could be added prior to compaction as well. Opacifiers like Titanium oxide and Inorganic materials like Iron oxide are characteristic colourant examples. The choice of the appropriate excipients depends on the type of the tablet as different excipients give different properties. So chewable tablets are not designed to disintegrate since mechanical action is supplied by the patient. Hence there is no need for disintegrants to be contained in to the relevant formulation. Although the drug is immediately released in the mouth, it is swallowed and absorbed from the stomach. Colouring and flavouring is also needed especially in the presence of antacids. Effervescent tablets are dissolved in a glass of water before administration. Plenty of analgesics use this specific type and during this process disinitegration and dissolution are facilitated due to carbon dioxide liberation. Effervescent tablets have a rapid bioavailability and cause less stomach irritation. However extra protection from moisture is required in packaging. Finally extended release tablets have been designed in order to release the drug dose over 12-24 hours until the drug to result to Gastrointestinal tract. They are classified according to the mechanism of drug release (e.g. erosion, dissolution, diffusion etc). Capsules The second most common dosage form administered via the oral route are capsules. Capsules which are solid dosage forms are distinguished into two categories; hard gelatine capsules and soft gels. Soft gelatine shells are consisted of less gelatine compared to hard gelatine ones (43%), 37% of glycerine and 20% of water. On the other hand, in hard gelatine shells no glycerine is added and larger amount of gelatine is obviously used. Although both capsule types are widely used, soft gels have some more advantages due to the accuracy and precision of dose that they offer, the accuracy of fill volume as well as the fact that they are preferred for high dose poorly compressible drugs. Generally speaking both capsule types are from the dosage forms that can be massively produced in a manufacturing scale and achieve appropriate dose in combination with the preferable size, shape and colour. Hard gelatin capsules Soft gelatin capsules Capsules are more stable than liquid dosage forms and as it was mentioned above they contribute to accurate dosing. Such as with tablets, they are quite easy to administer and any unpleasant tastes can be easily masked. Capsules release properties can be managed and further studied and it is also possible light resistant capsules to be produced. Patients compliance is another important issue too. The basic disadvantages are pretty much the same with those of tablets. Capsules as tablets are not indicated for people with swallowing difficulties including the elderly and children. They are also unsuitable for very small children and the use of animal gelatine in their formulation process might be an important religious issue. The aim of developing a capsule formulation is first of all to prepare a capsule with accurate dosage, good bioavailability, stability, elegance and facility in the production stage. In capsule formulation is very important the mixture that will be added into the capsules to have been blended very well and being 100% homogenous. Disintegrants are usually included in capsule formulation in order to help capsules contents to be distributed in the stomach. Aqueous solutions cannot be filled in hard gelatin capsules because water softens the gelatin and destroys the capsules. However, there are some exceptions of a few aqueous solutions (included oils) that can be added in hard gelatin capsules. In general, capsules are consisted of two main parts: the body and the cap. Almost all of the pharmaceutical companies that produce hard gelatin capsules use gelatine produced by ingrained bovine spongiform encephalopathy. This material is a good film former, soluble in water and is able to fluid in GI at normal body temperature without to release any of the ingredients of the capsule. Capsules are available in a variety of sizes and the appropriate size is chosen each time according the fill volume of the ingredients. Capsule sizes In hard gelatine capsules and generally in capsules, there is one extra step compared to tablets; that is the dissolution of the capsule shell. When the capsule will pass through the GI and will be placed in a dissolution medium at approximately 37ÃŽÂ ¿C, the gelatin will start gradually to dissolve. So, firstly the cap and afterwards the body will start to melt, and as a result the dissolution medium will penetrate into the capsule ingredients. Oral Solutions Solutions are from the oldest dosage forms used in pharmaceutical formulations. Their strongest advantage is based on the fast and high absorption of soluble medicinal products. Being from the simplest formulations to prepare concerning both time and cost, solutions are still one of the leading dosage forms due to their application in patients with swallowing difficulties and their easy administration. For example they are administered in geriatrics, in paediatrics as well as in patients in intensive care or patients suffering from psychiatric problems. Solutions are divided in oral solutions (elixirs, linctuses, syrups, mixtures, draughts, spirits and paediatric drops), in external solutions (lotions, liniments, external applications and collodions), in gargles and mouthwashes as well as in enemas and douches. Care pholcodine oral solution BP Focusing on the oral solutions, they contain a liquid which is characterized by its homogeneity and in which one or more active ingredients have been dissolved. Contrary to suspensions, in solutions there is no need for shaking before use. Most times, water is the preferred vehicle due to its multiple properties. Solutions offer immediate absorption of the drug and the drug dose can be also shaped regarding the patients needs. On the other hand, the drug stability is importantly affected in solutions and unpleasant tastes cannot be so easily masked as in other dosage forms (for example in tablets). As with suspensions, solutions do not offer a convenient transport due to possible container breakages. Other disadvantages involve the use of a measuring device in order to administer the appropriate dose to the patient which further requires a relevant technical accuracy. Finally, the fact that some of the drugs are poorly soluble enables the creation of a vehicle which usually consists of water and a variety of other solvents in order the chosen drug to be dissolved. Solubility which is an important factor to investigate in solutions, is directly connected to particle size, stirring, viscosity and temperature. Physical and chemical stability are other factors that need to be taken in consideration while dealing with the formulation of this specific dosage form. Oral Suspensions Generally speaking suspensions cover a wide range of pharmaceutical products involving enemas, ear drops, inhalations etc. Focusing on the suspensions administered via the oral route (mixtures for oral use) at least one of the active ingredients is suspended in a vehicle. According to the British Pharmacopoeia oral suspensions are oral liquids containing one or more active ingredients suspended in a suitable vehicle. Suspended solids may slowly separate on standing but are easily redispersed. Suspensions are an alternative way of drug administration which would not be so convenient for use if taken in other dosage forms (e.g. tablet). They are preferred from patients who experience swallowing difficulties and they are indicated for paediatric or/and geriatric use. Paracetamol oral suspension Some of the advantages of suspensions over other pharmaceutical formulations involve the palatability and stability that can be achieved using insoluble drugs. As it was mentioned above it is easier to swallow suspended insoluble powders and the absorption stage will be really faster that any other solid dosage forms which require dissolution before absorption. On the other hand, shaking is necessary before use and most times the dose is not as accurate as in equivalent solution. The disperse system can be also affected depending on the storage conditions. Finally it is not so easy to transport suspensions and extra caution is needed due to possible container breakages in this specific dosage form. Suspensions are further categorized into diffusible and indiffusible ones. Diffusible suspensions use light insoluble (or very slightly soluble) powders which during shaking require longer time to disperse uniformly (compared to indiffusible suspensions) in order to be made up to an accurate dose. Light Kaolin BP and Magnesium Trisilicate BP are some common diffusible powders which are completely insoluble in the water. Calamine BP and Zinc oxide BP are some of the commonly used indiffusible powders (heavy powders which are not soluble in the vehicle). One of the basic differences between these two categories is that in indiffusible suspensions a suspending agent is added for facilitating the vehicle to be thickened. Oral Emulsions British Pharmacopoeia states that oral emulsions are oral liquids containing one or more active ingredients. They are stabilised oil-in-water dispersions, either or both phases of which may contain dissolved solids. Solids may also be suspended in oral emulsions. When issued for use, oral emulsions should be supplied in wide-mouthed bottles. Q-LAX Oral emulsion Generally speaking the term emulsion is connected to applications with external use, lotions and creams. However pharmaceutically it is used for preparations that are used to be administered via the oral route. Emulsions are dispersions of oil in water or the opposite. Tiny droplets indicate the dispersed phase. Therefore the use of an emulsifying agent is necessary in order to assure that the oil phase is normally dispersed in the presence of water. Oral emulsions are usually oil-in-water whereas those that are intended for external use are usually water-in-oil respectively. As in suspensions, the artificial palatability of unpalatable drugs in emulsions is a strong advantage. It is also quite easy to flavour the aqueous phase and the sensation or/and the taste of the oil is something that can be easily removed. This dosage form has an increased rate of absorption and can combine even two incompatible ingredients (one in oily and another one in the aqueous phase). Passing to the disadvantages, some similarities can be identified between emulsions and solutions. The first one is the use of a measuring device in order to administer the appropriate dose to the patient which requires a relevant technical accuracy. Stability can be affected depending on the storage conditions and as in suspensions (but not in solutions), a good shake of the preparation is required before administration. As it was mentioned twice above, emulsions, suspensions and solutions do not offer a convenient transport due to possible container breakages. Finally in emulsions cracking can be caused due to the microbial contamination of the preparation. Although emulsions are a very helpful and useful dosage form in pharmaceutics, they are widely used more in external preparations than in internal ones (via the oral route). Conclusion Different drugs are administered via different routes of administration. Criteria such as either the speed or the efficiency with which the drugs act are decisive in order to choose the most appropriate route of administration and consequently the dosage form. More specifically, in terms of the oral route of drug administration different dosage forms were analyzed, discussed and their advantages and disadvantages were compared. Of course it is pointless to say that one of these dosage forms which are taken orally (tablets, capsules, oral suspensions, solutions and emulsions) is the best as each one covers specific aspects and purposes and is used under different circumstances. Tablets is the most commonly used dosage form with a very interesting as well as complicated manufacturing background. They are available in different types (e.g. immediate, modified release etc) and they are most preferable by patients. Capsules is another solid dosage form which is also preferred by patients. Tablets and capsules as solid preparations share common advantages. However patients compliance is their strongest one. When tablets or capsules cannot be swallowed then the use of other oral dosage forms such as solutions, suspensions or emulsions is necessary. Swallowing difficulties can be found especially in the elderly, in children or in patients in intensive care or with psychiatric support. Solutions and suspensions are used more widely than emulsions intended for internal use (via the oral route). Basic differences between those focus on palatability and stability of the preparation. To summarise it needs to be mentioned that it is not up to the formulator to decide the route of administration of each drug. This is solely determined by the physical characteristics of the drug itself, absorption and release factors.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Destructive Power of Peer Pressure Essay examples -- Peer Pressure

Peer pressure: influence from members of one's peer group. Peer pressure is an incredibly widespread issue in today’s society, and can have many significant and long lasting effects. Peer pressure is an issue that can be found in many places, with many varying degrees, but often happens for the same reasons. Peer pressure can cause drug and alcohol addictions, being caught shoplifting, failing exams, and other problems. It has many causes, with many contributing factors, but is most prevalent during the teenage years, as teens look beyond the guidance of their parents, and seek answers from their peers. Peer pressure most commonly occurs at parties, where parental supervision is minimal, however indirect peer pressure can be experienced anywhere. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the topic, as well as the causes and related effects. The report will cover the types of peer pressure, who is affected, who are the offenders, why do they offend, where does it happen, what can happen, how can it be solved, and why it is so hard to control. Peer pressure is a very widespread issue, manifesting itself in two main forms, direct and indirect. While direct peer pressure is more forceful, and harder to combat, it is also less prevalent than indirect peer pressure. In some instances both forms of peer pressure can be found in the same situation. Direct peer pressure is pressure exerted when directly asked or told to do something, and is more forceful, harder to deflect, and often requires a response or excuse. Direct peer pressure generally involves things such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and decisions regarding sex. This form of peer pressure can have many significantly life changing long-term effects. I... ...(2013). Peer Pressure. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013]. (2013). Publication: Friendships, Peer Influence and Peer Pressure During the Teen Years. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013]. (2013). UM.SiteMaker: Message. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013]. Stewart, G., Larsen, A. and Wynne, E. (1989). Peer pressure. New York: Crestwood House. (2013). Peer pressure : The Facts : USA. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013].

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Abortion - Unwanted Pregnancies = Abused Children Essay -- Argumentati

Unwanted Pregnancies = Abused Children   Ã‚  Ã‚   Who can resist the invitation to abort an unwanted pregnancy for the child's sake primarily, and not just the "health" of the mother? Let's examine this frequently voiced contention: that aborting unwanted pregnancies is beneficial because they would later lead to abused children. And everyone, of course, is opposed to the maltreatment of kids.    The landmark study on this was done at the University of Southern California. Professor Edward Lenoski studied 674 consecutive battered children who were brought to the in- and out-patient departments of that medical center. He was the first to go to the parents and study to what extent they wanted and planned the pregnancy. To his surprise, he found that 91% were planned and wanted, compared to 63% for the control groups nationally. Further, the mothers had began wearing, on the average, pregnancy clothes at 114 days compared to 171 days in the control, and the fathers named the boys after themselves 24% of the time compared to 4% for the control groups. (Lenoski) Both parents (or... Abortion - Unwanted Pregnancies = Abused Children Essay -- Argumentati Unwanted Pregnancies = Abused Children   Ã‚  Ã‚   Who can resist the invitation to abort an unwanted pregnancy for the child's sake primarily, and not just the "health" of the mother? Let's examine this frequently voiced contention: that aborting unwanted pregnancies is beneficial because they would later lead to abused children. And everyone, of course, is opposed to the maltreatment of kids.    The landmark study on this was done at the University of Southern California. Professor Edward Lenoski studied 674 consecutive battered children who were brought to the in- and out-patient departments of that medical center. He was the first to go to the parents and study to what extent they wanted and planned the pregnancy. To his surprise, he found that 91% were planned and wanted, compared to 63% for the control groups nationally. Further, the mothers had began wearing, on the average, pregnancy clothes at 114 days compared to 171 days in the control, and the fathers named the boys after themselves 24% of the time compared to 4% for the control groups. (Lenoski) Both parents (or...

David Boston :: essays research papers

What's going on in Room 614? There's an overgrown wide receiver in there. "Dude, you're on steroids!" fans yell at him at training camp. A lot of NFL players and coaches think he's on something, but the term they use is yoked up. "Gotta be," says an NFC defensive back. The receiver keeps testing clean (seven times last season), but his peers are still suspicious. They can't prove it, but they think he's on something they don't have a test for yet, maybe human growth hormone (HGH), and one reason is the size of his head. "Look, even his face is growing," the player goes on. "He's bloated. His cheekbones have changed." Guys around the league just don't see how his weight could jump from 209 to 257 in three years. Or how he can have 21-inch biceps, a 34-inch waist and 5.5% body fat. Or how he can run the 40 in 4.3 seconds. Or how the sorry Cardinals could let such a physical specimen walk. Or how 30 other teams could let the Chargers scoop him up as a free agent for only 47 mil. No, there's got to be something going on in that room. Something to keep Arizona from franchising him, something to scare off the rest of the league. "We didn't even have him on our board," says a Redskins exec, whose team needed a receiver this winter and opted to pay Laveranues Coles a $13 million signing bonus. Laveranues Coles? He's half this guy's size and doesn't run any faster. But few trust him. They hear all the stories. How he eats only in his personal trainer's room, Room 614 at the Hilton Carson Civic Plaza in Carson, Calif. How Hall of Famer Joe Greene, an assistant coach on his old team, wonders if he'll live to 30. How he's paying his personal trainer $200K a year. How, even though he's rooming with LaDainian Tomlinson, he's holed up most of the time in Room 614. Holed up and getting heavier every day. "Have you seen that guy? Our D-line coach calls him Robocop," says Chargers defensive end Marcellus Wiley. "If any of us defensive linemen go down, he's going two-way. I mean, 260 pounds, 5% body fat, a 4.3 40? That's 30 sacks. Every day in the cafeteria, I walk past the fried foods and say, 'I am David Boston' That way, I won't eat them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Facebook’s Initial Public Offering

The reasons for Facebook to go public In the beginning, Facebook, through its founder Mark Zuckerberg, was unwilling to go public and refused a number of buyout offers. However, it reached the 500 threshold after accepting private investments from firms, which eventually made Zuckerberg decide to go public. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that private companies reaching more than 500 ‘shareholders of record’ must abide by the same requirements of financial disclosure undertaken by public companies (Sloan, 2012). It is clear that Facebook’s decision to go public through an initial public offering (IPO) was not the same as the common reasons of firms when they undertake the same decision, which is to draw more revenues (Palmiter, 2008). However, in the long run, Facebook also aimed to access external financing as a result of IPO (Sloan, 2012). The reasons for companies to go public beyond their need for more money are enhanced financial condition, ability to cash out, improved corporate reputation, and improved opportunity for future acquisition (Peng, 2012). The dollar objective of every company in relation to the amount expected to be raised via IPO The dollar objectives of companies entering IPOs for increased revenue purposes are to develop reserves and increase external funds (Vedavalli, 2007; Sullivan, 2007), access capital (Dana, 2004; Ernst and Hacker, 2012), improve financial condition, increase shareholder value, and improve capital to sustain growth (Ernst and Hacker, 2012). In Facebook’s case, its stock price dwindled as there were concerns about its overpriced IPO and long-term business outlook and lost around $ 25 billion in value (Kuratko, 2012). The expected use of the money raised by IPO One expected use of the money raised by IPO is retiring from debt, in which, it is necessary to pay close attention to the company’s financial data and overall growth prospects. Another is enjoyment of the proceeds by the owners of the shares, especially for the sale of secondary shares. Moreover, sold primary shares (newly created shares) from an IPO increase revenue to the companies’ accounts (Khurshed, 2011). In the case of Facebook, the company raised a large amount of money, which has amounted to $ 18 billion. In actuality, there was no increase in the number of shares it sold to the public; instead, most of the new shares were from Zuckerberg, and such was considered not a good sign (Khurshed, 2011). References Dana, L. (2004) Handbook of research on international entrepreneurship. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Ernst, D. and Hacker, J. (2012). Applied international corporate finance. Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH. Khurshed, A. (2011). Initial public offerings: The mechanics and performance of IPOs. First Edition. Hampshire: Harriman House Ltd. Kuratko, D. F. (2012) Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, practice. NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Peng, M. W. (2012). Global strategy. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Sloan, P. (2012). Three reasons Facebook has to go public. Retrieved on December 3, 2013 from Sullivan, L. R. (2007). Historical dictionary of the People’s Republic of China. Maryland: A Scarecrow Press, Inc. Vedavalli, R. (2007). Energy for development: Twenty-first century challenges of reform and liberalization in developing countries. London: Anthem Press.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Information vs Knowledge Essay

1. The community chosen is the community of economists. Some sources they rely on include academic journals, the news (on print, online, television, radio, and others), country reports, economic data, and financial market analyses. 2. One of the sources that could be taken as pure information is the economic data. Economic data sets of data that describe a single economy or the international economy. These data sets are gathered through quantitative information that are collected and computed statistically to give an accurate picture of the economy being studied. Economic data, in their raw form, is not analyzed, and even the analysis that accompany them are usually there to interpret the numbers to make them more understandable to the reader. This is information because it is the basis of knowledge that people create since they are considered facts from which knowledge can be gained. Economists use economic data to gather information about the topic that they are exploring and connect them with other data and past knowledge to form ideas, theories, recommendations, etc. hat would be helpful to their colleagues, policymakers, businesses, economics students, and even the common person. While some economic data agree with one another, there are those that don’t, depending on which organization does the statistic. The differences could confuse the readers as much as those that agree help them in gaining more knowledge about the particular economy they are studying. 3. Among these, the source that is actually knowledge is the academic journal.  Academic journals are works by experts on the field of focus of the journal (in this case, economics), and are peer reviewed by other experts on the field. These sources often become forums for academicians and experts since the authors of the articles in the journal introduce and present new research that critique existing research. Experts, then scrutinize the writings of authors who churn out their original research, review articles and even book reviews and it becomes a hub of theories, ideas, debate, etc. It then becomes easy to see why this is knowledge. Based on Lanier’s understanding of knowledge, that it is â€Å"created through a person’s interaction with her environment, her community, her social class, her history, her job, etc. Knowledge cannot be created in a neutral or objective way that exists outside of our real life situations. † Journals reflect a person’s ideas and experiences in relation to the information they have and are often opinions based on facts.vThe correlation between a person’s worldview and understanding in explaining and the information that they have printed in a journal makes the medium a hub of knowledge from different economists. 4. I believe that the community of economists, especially those in the upper echelons of the field, are already aware of the difference between knowledge and information in their field since information for them is usually hard quantitative data. But if they have not considered the difference, the problem that they can overcome in delineating one from the other is that they would be able to think more critically. Knowing that what they have is knowledge, they could accept it and draw their own conclusions. Upon the knowledge that the source that they have is knowledge, they could add such sources in their own minds and create their own conclusions based on different perspectives and could either accept one and reject the other and just not let what they read overwhelm them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marketing Research- Starbucks vs. Coffee Beans Essay

Market segmentation is defined as the process of dividing a market into distinct subsets of consumers with common needs or characteristics and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing mix (Schiffman, Bednall, Cowley, O’Cass, Watson and Kanuk, 2001). Different companies have different abilities that enable them to serve their target market better, which is why some companies choose to focus much of their attention to specific segments. Starbucks primarily chooses to focus on the demographics, psychographics and lifestyle of their customers. It is with the information gathered regarding these segments that Starbucks can better serve its customers. Demographics are things such as age, sex, marital status, education, occupation and income. Starbucks targets both males and females, mainly 18-30 year olds, but really does cater for everybody’s needs. And because young children don’t usually drink coffee, Starbucks offers a range of non-coffee beverages to cater for the whole family. Hanging out in Starbucks gives the impression of being very with it and most of the people you see sitting in the stores exude a certain coolness and give off the image of having some sort of social status, with lots of money to spare. Starbucks customers are mainly in their final years of high school, in university or just starting to work. But whatever it is, they all have had a good education, and if they do have a job, it almost certainly includes a big income as well. Demographics help to locate a target market and this information is often the most accessible and cost effective way to identify a target market (Schiffman et al, 2001). Even though factors such as personality and behaviour are often first used to define a market segment, the consumer’s demographic characteristics must be known in order to assess the size of the target market and to reach it efficiently (Schiffman et al, 2001). Psychographics are based on the consumer’s activities, interests and opinions, so it’s basically how they spend their time, what their preferences and priorities are and how they feel about events and issues. Psychographic research is closely related to psychological research, and  especially when it comes to personality and attitude measurement. This form of applied consumer research has proved to be a valuable marketing tool that helps identify consumer segments that are likely to be responsive to specific marketing messages (Schiffman et al, 2001). Starbucks is very heavily involved in charity and the arts, and is making significant efforts to be a socially and environmentally responsible company. For example, Starbucks actively participates in AIDS benefits, and for every city that has a store, Starbucks sets up at least one shelter for the underprivileged children and donates money as well. By participating in various different positive causes and events, Starbucks gains a lot of favourable exposure. Starbucks has sponsored the Special Olympics, the hip Lilith Fair music festival, the Chicago Jazz Festival, the International Film Festival in Washington DC and the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA. Just by looking at these examples, we can see that Starbucks aims to target and reach people who are generous and charitable, as well as people who like to have fun and enjoy the creative and entertaining side of life. Starbucks also has a strong commitment to the environment and the company’s policy to recycle and conserve wherever possible is exemplified by the 10% discount it provides to customers who reduce waste by using their own mugs or refillable coffee bags. Starbucks offers these discounts to help stimulate environmental responsibility amongst its customers. As Starbucks grows and reaches new markets, the company has made a commitment to continue to be a strong supporter of non-profit organisations and events in all communities. Consumer research has found evidence that within each of the social classes there is a constellation of specific lifestyle factors (shared beliefs, attitudes, activities and behaviours) that tend to distinguish the members of each class from the members of each class from the members of all other social classes (Schiffman et al, 2001). Starbucks sells a lifestyle, to both customers and employees, and has followed the successful examples of other big corporations such as Coke, Nike and Sony by linking its brand with all things â€Å"cool† and â€Å"in†. Starbucks has created a style and ambience that has infused a certain new  chic and appeal into coffee, an age-old beverage, making it the hippest drink of today. Starbucks chooses to associate itself with all things bustling, active and vigourous. That is why locations of all the stores are carefully selected for convenience and Starbucks specifically targets places that are heavy with pedestrian street traffic. Some of the places that you would find a Starbucks, either in the form of a large store or a just a small kiosk (both ideal for just popping in for a quick take away coffee or for a nice light lunch break) would be at shopping centres, airport terminals and supermarket foyers, which are all places that are always hectic and filled to the brim with people who have busy lifestyles and are always on the go. Starbucks competes directly against specialty coffees sold at retail through supermarkets, specialty retails, and a growing number of other specialty coffee stores. In addition, Starbucks competes for whole bean coffee sales with franchise operators and independent specialty coffee stores. In virtually every major metropolitan area were Starbucks operates and expects to expand there are local or regional competitors with substantial market presence in the specialty coffee business. But Starbucks’ biggest competitor in the coffee industry is the Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean was started by Herbert B. Hyman in 1963 in California and became the pioneers in retailing whole bean coffee and loose tea leaves. Coffee Bean are the oldest importers, roasters and multi retailers of specialty coffee and tea in the United States. Like Starbucks, Coffee Bean offers a diverse range of original coffee, ice blends and roast styles as well as four varieties of daily brews including flavoured pre-ground coffee. Another similarity with Starbucks is that Coffee Bean also has a large offering of food and beverages that appeal to all age groups from all walks of life. In terms of needs, motivation and personality, Coffee Bean is all about building meaningful and respectful relationships with customers by finding or concocting a flavour for them. Coffee Bean will also toast your bagels, heat your pastries and personalise and custom make the drink or blend just  the way you would like it. With perception, Coffee Bean is a big believer in teamwork (just like Starbucks) as they feel that success is achieved by working together. Coffee Bean staff are friendly, and maintain amicable relationships between customers and each other. The employees have respect for each other’s values, opinions and individual personalities and are honest and truthful to themselves and each other. Another similarity with Starbucks is that Coffee Bean is actively involved with helping communities and make it their mission to develop the most complete community based programs around. As well as donating gift baskets, gift certificates, coupons, coffees and teas, Coffee Bean will gladly consider a donation to any organisation for various charitable events that directly benefit local community programs and local schools. Due to the phenomenal growth of the international coffee market, Coffee Bean has decided to solely concentrate on international franchises at the moment. Unlike Starbucks, who have a target mass market being the United States, most of the Coffee Bean outlets are in Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan etc.) and the Middle East (Israel, United Arab Emirates, Dubai etc.) Unlike Coffee Bean, Starbucks does not personalise their coffees or have different products to suit different countries’ tastes. Coffee Bean offers more food meals (pastas, soups,) and not only light meals (sandwiches, pastries, desserts) like Starbucks. Starbucks allows other distributors to sell its coffee, but Coffee Bean does not and Starbucks is affiliated with things such as the Herald Sun Newspaper and Hear Music. And the main advantage that Starbucks has over Coffee Bean is it’s effective use of celebrity appeal, which is a form of reference group

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Factors influencing child development Essay

1.0 introduction In the study of development, nurture is defined as the environmental conditions that influence a child’s development (T. M McDevitt and J. E. Ormrod , 2010). A child’s home environment, friends with whom he spends time with, the food that he eats and the types of movies he watches — not to mention the content and or education background – are all the factors that influence his physical, social and cognitive development in both positive and negative perspective. In this paper, I will be focusing on nurture factors and how do these factors have influenced the development of the prominent figures that I have chosen which are Tun Dr. Mahathir, our very own 4th Prime Minister from Malaysia and Bill Gates, the billionaire, from United States of America. The development that I will be touching on is regarding the physical development, cognitive development as well as the language development. Read more:  Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors essay 2.0 Tun Dr. Mahathir Tun Dr. Mahathir was the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is fondly known as the â€Å"Father of Modern Malaysia†. He was born on the 10th July 1925 in Seberang Perak, Alor Setar, Malaysia, but his father, Mr Mohamed B. Iskandar, only registered his date of birth on 20th December 1925. His mother’s name is Wan Mas Tempawan Bt Wan Hanafi. He is the youngest in the family and is very close to his five brothers and sisters. He got married with Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Bt Haji Mohamed Ali on 5th August 1956 and were given seven children. After I went through Tun’s background, there are two nurture factors that contributed to his development. The nurture factors are as follow: 2 2.1 Nurture factors 2.1.1 Family Family has always become the priority in an individual’s life. In my humble opinion, every success of a man lies on their family supports and values. This statement is agreed by Tun Dr. Mahathir himself whereby he believes in  family values and close family relationship (Fam, Lee, Nawarmani Balakrishnan and R. Rajendran, 2006). During his childhood, Tun and his siblings were taught to behave with discipline in everything that they do (Mahathir, 2011). His father, Mr Mohamad B. Iskandar, is the first Malay Headmaster of the Government English School in Alor Setar. Whenever Tun Dr Mahathir and his siblings came back from school, their father would go through their homework with them. Even during the holidays, their father would sit down with them, patiently tutoring them and setting a timetable for them to do reading, school work etc. He would teach them the way that he taught his students in school. Apart from that, Tun and his siblings lived in awe of their father even though he never laid a hand on them. This is because the sound of their father’s cough was enough to send them scurrying back to their books and homework (Mahathir, 2011). They all studied at the big table in the front room and will only stop for dinner. It is such discipline that Tun Dr Mahathir grew up to be a well-mannered and educated man with good values. Thus, I would say that family plays a very important role to develop a child’s cognitive development. In fact, family is the biggest influence during childhood, as the children view their parents as their role models. 3 2.1.2 Education Besides family, education also plays a vital role in the development of Tun Dr. Mahathir. Despite the informal education that he got from his own family, he also went to school to get his early education. He started schooling when he was 5 years old in a Malay School in Jalan Seberang Perak. He has the determination of wanted to have a better education than what most Malays had at that time. For that, he went to English School and passed his examination. At school, the students were not allowed to speak any languages other than English language. So with such practice, Tun Dr Mahathir developed his language development and is able to converse English language fluently. All these happened during his primary school days. After he finished his primary school, he then went to Sultan Abdul Hamid College to do his secondary education. However, during that time, the Second World War started. As a result, it was difficult for him to study and he decided to  seek for a job. So, he started his business mind and thought of something to sell. Together with his two friends, he set up a stall selling coffee and ‘Kuih’ (Malaysian cakes). He made a good business with the stall and soon was able to sell the stall for a good sum of money. This matter showed he has a good acute business sense. After selling the stall, he moved to a better location at a small complex. He then thought of selling fried bananas. He made money selling the fried bananas and also made many friends. This incident proves that, at a very young age, he is able to think, strategize, and find solution for any problems that occur. 4 Indirectly saying, Tun was exposed to cognitive skills through his own experiences not only from education but also from the business perspective. In 1945, after the Second World War ended, Tun Dr Mahathir resumed his education at Sultan Abdul Hamid College where he sat for and passed his Cambridge Examination. He did a lot of reading on political issues in his father’s huge library in school. He gained a lot of information from his reading. From here, it is proven that Tun also developed his cognitive skills by reading books especially in political issues. In school, joining extra-curricular activities was part of the system. Therefore, Tun joined the rugby club although he was not very interested in games and sports but then he found out that he quite enjoyed playing rugby (Fam, Lee, Nawarmani Balakrishnan and R. Rajendran, 2006). From here, I would say that school activities play a significant role in shaping Tun physical development such as grass motor skills, which includes running. Finally, in the year 1947, after he had gone through much experience in working, he then continued his tertiary education in medical field at the King Edward VII Medical College, Singapore. With all the skills that he got from early of his primary school up to secondary school and working experiences, I do not think Tun will face a problem in his studies especially when it comes to speaking skills and finding solution to any problems. 5 3.0 Bill Gates The way Bill Gates was brought up is different from Tun Dr. Mahathir. Unlike  Tun, his education plays a significant role in shaping his development. In contrast, after I went through Bill Gates’s biography, I found out that it is his peers that have influenced his success. He and his partner, Paul Allen, built the world’s largest software business called Microsoft. In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world (The Biography Channel Website, 2004). There are two nurture factors that contributed to his development. The nurture factors are as follow: 6 3.1 Nurture Factors 3.1.1 Family Bill Gates was born on 28th October 1955, in Seattle, Washington, United States of America. His real name is William Henry Gates III. His father’s name is William Henry II who works as an attorney and his mother’s name is Mary Maxwell, who works as a teacher. Bill gates grew up in an upper middle-class family with two sisters: Kristianne and Lubby (The Biography Channel Website, 2004). The Gates family atmosphere was warm and close and all three children were encouraged to be competitive and strive for excellence. It is such discipline that made him a very competitive person. For example, Bill showed early signs of competitiveness when he coordinated family athletic games at their summer house on Puget Sound (The Biography Channel Website, 2004). Bill Gates was a voracious reader when he was a child (The Biography Channel Website, 2004). He would spend most of his time by looking for information in reference books such as encyclopaedia. Gates weird behaviour made his parents more concerned of his academic achievement. Thus, he was sent to Seattle’s Lakeside School. As a result, at age 13, he blossomed in nearly all the subjects and also doing very well in drama. At a very young age, his cognitive development was trained by his family. Thus, by that kind of environment – competitive among his siblings, excel in academic field – has made him become one of the most influential persons in the globe. 7 3.1.2 Peers As I mentioned earlier, Bill Gates and his business partner, Paul Allen, both shared the same interest over computers. It is through peers that Gates  slowly developed his cognitive skills in computer field. It all started when both of them eventually met in high school when their school offered computer class for the students. Although the two were very different in their personality – Bill was feisty and combative, in contrast, Allen was more reserved and shy (The Biography Channel Website, 2004). But all in all, I believe, with such differences that have made them a good companion. At the age of 15, Bill and Allen went into business by creating â€Å"Traf-o-Data†, a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle. Believe it or not, their efforts had made a total profit of $20,000. Another big project that they had worked together was with Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS). Both of them worked days and nights until they got hired by the company. Until in the year 1975, Gates and Allen formed a partnership. This partnership was called Micro-Soft, a blend of â€Å"micro-computer† and â€Å"software†. In a child’s development, peers play a vital role in shaping any abilities or talents that a child has (Barnes. S, 2014). As for Bill Gates case, he enjoyed making friend with Paul Allen because both of them shared the same interest over computer. Plus, their interest does not even affect their achievement in academic. In fact, Bill Gates excelled in his studies. 8 4.0 Conclusion In brief, after I went through both the prominent figures’ biography, I found out that the nurture factors of a child comes hand in hand with physical development, cognitive development as well as language development . Due to the fact that both the prominent figures differ from the way they have been brought up, it is clearly evident that nurture factors do play a vital role in their development. One of the biggest nurture factors in a child’s development, I would say, is family. In social studies, family is one and the most important agents of socialization (Macionis, J.J., 2012). Through the teaching, support, surroundings and values that the family have, it will somehow and eventually determine a child development. If the family have a good background – despite the parents’ academic achievement, enough nutrition being given by the parents, etc – indirectly, a child will face zero problems in any aspects of their development. 9 REFERENCES Barnes. S. (2014). Peer Relationships, Protective Factors, and Social Skill Development in Low- Income Children. Retrieved from,, on April, 2014. Bill Gates (2014). The Biography Channel website. Retrieved 06:35, Apr 1, 2014, from Joan Fam L. H, Lee, Nawarmani Balakrishnan & R. Rajendran (2006). Tun Dr. Mahathir’s legacy: An inspirational learning experience. Kuala Lumpur: Krista Education Sdn Bhd. Macionis. J. J. (2012). Sociology. United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc. Mahathir Bin Mohamad (2011). A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Mahathir Muhamad. Selangor : MPH Group Publishing Sdn.Bhd. T. M McDevitt &J. E. Ormrod (2010). Nature and nurture. Retrieved, April 3, 2014, from